Mrs. Rahmata Issahaq-Pelpuo
Mrs. Rahmata Issahaq-Pelpuo

Rahmata also has an Executive Masters of Business Administration, Human Resource Management option from the University of Ghana in 2008 and a Certificate in Securities and Investments from the Ghana Stock Exchange.
Rahmata worked with Paintsil, Paintsil & Co. in 2000 as an Associate after a stint with the Attorney General’s Department. She conducted extensive legal research into different areas of the law, wrote proposals, legal reports and recommendations for all new cases and provided advice on labour and industrial issues. During her time with this firm, Mrs. Issahaq-Pelpuo provided legal consultancy services to International Projeckt Consult, a German organisation involved with the set up and management of Sikaman Savings and Loan Company (now known as ProCredit Savings and Loans).
Among her achievements there are the creation of the Legal Department to cater for the needs of a non-bank financial institution and her invaluable advice to the Board on issues of Corporate Governance.
In 2002, she joined the International Commercial Bank Ltd, where for nine years, she worked as the Head of the Legal Department and as the Bank’s Company Secretary.
Rahmata is a volunteer Legal Advisor for the Annisaa Foundation and the Federation of Muslim Women Associations of Ghana (FOMWAG).