Legal Instruments

Legal Instruments

The operations of the National Communications Authority are guided by a number of Legal Instruments. These include Acts of Parliament, Regulations, Executive Instruments, etc.

National Communications Authority Act, 2008 (Act 769)

An Act to establish the NCA as the central body to licence and regulate communications activities and services in the country; and provide for related purposes.

Electronic Communications Act of Ghana, 2008 (Act 775)

An Act that provides for the regulation of electronic communications, the regulation of broadcasting, the use of electronic-magnetic spectrum and for related matters.

Electronic Communications Amendment Act, 2009 (Act 786)

An Act to amend the Electronic Communications Act, 2008 (Act 775) to provide the minimum rate for international incoming electronic communication traffic and for related matters.

Electronic Transactions Act, 2008 (Act 772)

An Act to provide for the regulation of electronic communications and related transactions and to provide for connected purposes.

National Information Technology Agency, 2008 (Act 771)

An Act to establish an agency to regulate information communications technology in Ghana.

Communications Service Tax (Amendment)Act, 2013 (Act 754)

An Act to amend the Communications Service Tax (Amendment)Act, 2013 (Act 754) to provide for an increase in the Tax rate and for related matters.

Communications Service Tax (Ammendment) Act, 2019 (Act 998)

An Act to amend the Communications Service Tax ACT, 2008 (Act 754) to provide for an increase in the Tax rate and for related matters.

Cybersecurity Act, 2020 (Act 1038)

AN ACT to establish the Cyber Security Authority; to regulate cybersecurity activities in the country; to promote the development of cybersecurity in the country and to provide for related matters.

Electronic Communications (Rules of Procedure of the Electronic Communications Tribunal) Regulations, 2016 (L.I. 2235)

These Regulations are made to provide for the rules of procedure of the Electronic Communications Tribunal.

Electronic Communications (Interconnect Clearinghouse Services) Regulations, 2016 (L.I. 2234)

These Regulations are made to regulate a. Activities of network operators and service providers who connect and route national and international traffic through an internet clearing house b. Operations of an interconnect clearing house licensed by the Authority.

Electronic Communications Regulations , 2011 (L.I. 1991)

These Regulations are made to give effect to the provisions of the Electronic Communications Act, 2008 (Act 775).

Subscriber Identity Module Registration Regulations, 2011 (L.I. 2006)

These Regulations are made to provide a process for the registration of a Subscriber Identity Module for Subscribers of Network Operators.

Mobile Number Portability Regulations, 2011 (L.I. 1994)

These Regulations are made to provide a process for subscribers to transfer from one mobile telecommunications service provider to another whilst retaining the mobile number allocated by the service provider from whom the subscriber is transferring.

National Identification Registration Regulations 2012 (L.I. 21111)

These Regulations are made to provide a process for national identity registration.

Data Protection Act, 2012

National Telecommunications Policy (NTP-2005)

National Communications Regulations, 2003 (L.I.1719)

National Broadband Policy and Implementation Strategy

National Identification Authority Act, 2006 (Act 707)

National Identity Register Act, 2008 (750)

Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) User Guidelines

These Guidelines aim to provide guidance for all stakeholders in the electronic communications industry and to provide them with a practical understanding of the Rules and operations of the DRC established under sections 84 and 85 of the Electronic Communications Act, 2008 (Act 775).

Guidelines for the Computation and Payment of One Percent (1%) of Licensees' Net Revenues as Annual Regulatory Fees to the National Communications Authority (NCA) and Contributions to the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications

The main objective of this document is to assist Licensees who are required to pay 1% of their net revenues as annual regulatory fees to the NCA and contributions to GIFEC to accurately report and compute the applicable percentage of net revenues that are payable to the NCA and GIFEC. These guidelines takes effect from September 1, 2024.

Guidelines on Procedure for Granting Approval to Disconnect Telecommunications Service Operators

These Guidelines are intended, among other things, to ensure fair competition amongst Licensees, Authorisation holders, Operators of communications networks and Service Providers of public communications services, whilst protecting the interests of consumers or users of communications networks or communications services, and in particular, their freedom of choice, and right to quality of service and value for money.

Guidelines for Mergers and Acquisitions

These Guidelines cover the sale, transfer, change or other disposition of a significant interest in a Network Operator, Service Provider or Frequency Authorisation Holder.

Guidelines for Deployment of Communication Towers and Antennas

These guidelines establish standards to be adhered by all participants in the electronic communication service value chain, aiming to ensure environmental and public safety.

Unsolicited Electronic Communications Guidelines

This was developed to regulate the transmission of Unsolicited Electronic Communications in Ghana. The Guidelines has been withdrawn effective 1st August, 2021. (

Special Numbering Resources Guidelines

This was developed to provide a regulatory framework for the efficient and continuous administration of the numbering resources.

Type Approval Guidelines

The Type Approval Guidelines has been issued to enforce Section 3 (n) of the Act, which empowers the NCA to certify and ensure the testing of Electronic Communications Equipment for compliance with international standards, environmental health and safety standards including electromagnetic radiation and emissions.

Guidelines for Television White Spaces (TVWS) Data Services

These Guidelines has been introduced to allow data radio transmitters to operate in the UHF band, which is allocated on a primary basis to broadcast television services, on frequencies and at locations where that spectrum is not assigned to licensed services, while protecting licensed television broadcasting users operating in these frequencies from receiving harmful interferences.