Hon. Ama Pomaa Boateng
Hon. Ama Pomaa Boateng

Hon. Ama Pomaa Boateng is a multi-faceted professional with in-depth knowledge in various fields including the Energy and Communications Industries, Corporate Governance, Global diplomacy and Security as well as Entrepreneurship..
Hon. Boateng is currently the Member of Parliament for Juaben Constituency and also the Deputy Minister for Communications and Digitalisation.
Prior to this appointment, she served on the Board of the National Petroleum Authority from 2017 to 2020. Since 2019, Hon. Boateng has served as Ghana’s Representative & Member of the Middle East Questions Council. She is also Ghana’s Representative & Vice Chair for the Gender Committee, Vice Chair for Gender Equality and Investments in Agriculture, Food and Security in the ECOWAS Parliament in Abuja, Nigeria. In addition, she serves on various committees in parliament including Communications, Gender, Child & Social Protection and has also served on the Science, Technology, Environment & Innovation.
Concerning her professional and entrepreneurial experience, Hon. Boateng is the founder of DigitalASHANTI Project (Juaben), eWASTE GHANA (Accra), Ghanaian High-Tech Women (GHW) (Accra), Ghana Young Women Social Entrepreneurs (Accra) spearheading and coordination operations of these projects. Additionally, she served as a consultant for SPEEDGhana GTZ-DANIDA program from 2007 to 2008 where she reviewed and evaluated ICT enabled business plans of MSMEs for awards. As the Co- Founder & CEO of 2TI SOLUTIONS, Hon. Boateng introduced e-learning Ghana and sold courses in partnership with MindLeaders USA to the banking and IT Sectors in Ghana from 2003 to 2007.
In the field of ICT, she has in-depth knowledge in various subjects including Digital Business, IS/IT Governance, Electronic Waste, PL/SQL obtained from various academic institutions such as the Universities of Salford, USA and Westminister, UK.
Regarding her expertise in the energy industry, Hon. Boateng has enormous experience in Electric Industry Operations & Markets as well as Renewable Energy and Green building Entrepreneurship obtained from Duke University, USA. Additionally, she has knowledge in the Oil and Gas Industry and Gender and Energy from the International Human Resources Development (IHDRC).
In respect of corporate governance, she holds an Executive Certificate in Public Private Partnership (PPP), Women and Power as well as Non-Profit Governance from the Harvard Kennedy School Of Governance, USA. Added to this, she has qualification in Board Governance and Corporate Governance from the Maddison Pine, UK and Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Business, USA respectively.