NCA Publishes National Frequency Allocation Table
NCA Publishes National Frequency Allocation Table
The National Communications Authority (NCA) has published the National Frequency Allocation Table (NFAT) for wireless communications services in Ghana. The NFAT is one of the most important tools for effective spectrum management; It details the uses of the various frequency bands for the numerous radio communication service categories in accordance with the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
The objective of developing the NFAT is to maximize the efficient use of radio spectrum while assuring that spectrum is made available for new technologies and services. The table contains current uses of spectrum and those that may be used in future.
The following guidelines were considered when developing the table:
- International radio regulations and incorporated regional frequency allocation table,
- future demands of different category of users,
- spectrum utilisation reference of neighbour countries,
- International and regional agreements.
The NFAT may be amended as a result of changes in the National Communications Authority’s Licensing decisions, or in accordance with changes to the Radio Regulations made by the World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) such that these affect the NFAT, or in accordance with the application of any other national frequency decisions.
The NFAT does not infer any right for use of radio services or equipment without authorisation. According to Section 3 (n) of the NCA Act, Act 769 of 2008 and sections 66 and 67 of the Electronic Communications Act, Act 775, Manufacturers or their Authorised Agents require authorisation before producing or assembling, or selling/using any Electronic Communication Equipment (ECE) in Ghana.
Download table below: