<strong><u>Communications Minister Visits NCA’s New State-of-the-Art Broadcasting Monitoring Centre</u></strong>


Communications Minister Visits NCA’s New State-of-the-Art Broadcasting Monitoring Centre

The Minister for Communications and Digitalisation, Hon. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has visited the NCA’s new state-of-the-art Broadcasting Monitoring Centre at the NCA Tower  in Accra.

The Centre which was operationalised last month is an independent monitoring system for the analysis of the frequency and technical specifications of Television and FM Radio Broadcasting services. The Centre monitors all 13 satellites providing Free to Air (FTA) satellite TV services over the territory of Ghana and also has the ability to record one hundred (100) video channels (terrestrial and satellite) and produce them for review, analysis or evidence.

Led on tour by the Director General of the NCA, Joe Anokye, the Minister was briefed on the functionalities of the Centre as well as its technical set up.

The Honourable Minister being ushered to the Broadcasting Monitoring Centre by the NCA’s Director General, Joe Anokye

Hon. Owusu-Ekuful seeking clarity at the BMC

Engineers working at the BMC at the time of the visit

Honourable Ursula Owusu-Ekuful in a pose with Joe Anokye after the visit