List of Authorised Value Added Services
List of Authorised Value Added Services
Value Added Service (VAS) providers are service providers who offer services which combine applications provided to users with telecommunications, but does not include public electronic communications service. It should be noted that Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), per their licences, also provided these VAS.
Value added communications services mean;
(a) videotext;
(b) teletext;
(c) tele-action;
(d) telecom;
(e) tele-alarm;
(f) data storage retransmission;
(g) teleprocessing and data processing
(h) electronic mail service;
(i)voice messaging;
(j)text messaging; and
(k) any other service classified as value added communications services by the Authority.
A license shall not be required for the establishment or operation of value added services but a provider and an operator of an electronic communications service or network who intends to provide value added services using radio frequency shall apply to the Authority for the right to use the radio frequency for that purpose.
Despite the provision that a licence is not required for the provision of value added service over the public communications system, a person who intends to provide value added service to the public shall before the commencement of the service apply for registration.
Download the VAS list below: