Amateur Radio Licence Examinations and Certification

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Amateur Radio Licence Examinations and Certification

The National Communications Authority (NCA) in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 47b of the Electronic Communications Regulations, 2011, L.I.1991 has developed a Beginner’s Amateur Syllabus. In addition, the Authority is now offering Amateur Licence Examinations for persons wanting to obtain an Amateur Certificate of Proficiency

This examination is a requirement for persons seeking the Amateur Class C Licence. The Beginner’s Amateur Licence is considered to be the entry level for Amateur radio in Ghana. The syllabus and related examination for the Beginner’s Amateur Licence correspondingly reflects the minimum level of knowledge, skills and experience required to safely assemble and operate a Beginner’s Amateur station without causing interference to other users and services.

The NCA is the examining body for the Amateur Licence Examinations. The minimum age limits for this Certificate of Proficiency is 14 years.

Amateur Radio is a radio communication service for the purpose of self-training, interconnection and technical investigations carried out by amateurs. This will ensure that these activities are conducted by authorised persons interested in radio technique solely with an aim of acquiring knowledge for self and not for pecuniary interest.  According to our Regulations, the Authority may grant an Amateur Radio Licence to an applicant who has passed the radio amateur examination or possesses the requisite qualifications prescribed for the purpose.

As at December 2016, 177 Licences have been issued for Amateur Radio services however, majority are not currently active as majority of the licensees are foreigners who use the facilities for short periods during their stay in the country. The licence is valid for a period of 10 years.

Please download the application forms and the syllabus below:

If you have any additional queries relating to the examination and certification, please contact the NCA on

  • Hotline – 0307-011-419
  • Toll Free – 0800- 110-622
  • Walk-ins – 8 Regional Offices
  • Letter – NCA. P. O. Box CT 1568, Accra