Internet/Public Data Service Provision

Internet/Public Data Service Provision

The Authorisation holder is permitted to establish, operate and provide Internet/Public Data Services for the public.
Technical Information
The term Internet Service Provider (ISP) refers to an entity that provides access and connectivity to the Internet. The said entity can use both licensed and unlicensed frequency bands for its deployments. The validity period of an ISP Authorisation is five (5) years.

The following are the service classifications under ISP:
  1. Internet / Public Data Service (Nationwide)
  2. Internet / Public Data Service (Rural)
  3. Internet Hotspot (three (3) districts maximum)
An application for Internet/Public Data Service may require an Applicant to apply for frequency, which will attract a fee separate from the regulatory fee to be paid to enable the provision of the service.
Technical (Application) Form
Note: It is mandatory to complete the appropriate Customer Registration Form in addition to the Application Form. Also note that all new applicants will be invited for a presentation to clarify their request and provide justification for the approval of same by the NCA.

Click to download Application for Internet/Public Data Services Authorisation

Click to download the Presentation Format