Microwave Authorisation

Microwave Authorisation

Microwave transmission is the transmission of information or energy by microwave radio waves. Microwave radio transmission is commonly used in point-to-point communication systems on the surface of the Earth, in satellite communications, and deep-space radio communications. The NCA grants authorisation to operators of this technology.
Technical Information
A microwave link is a communications system that uses a beam of radio waves in the microwave frequency range (frequencies greater than 5GHz) to transmit information between two fixed locations on the earth as indicated in fig. 1 below. They are crucial to many forms of communications and impact a broad range of industries. Broadcasters use microwave links to send programs from the studio to the transmitter location, which might be miles away.

Microwave links carry cellular telephone calls between cell sites. Wireless Internet Service Providers use microwave links to provide their clients with high-speed Internet access without the need for cable connections.

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Technical (Application) Form
Note: It is mandatory to complete the appropriate Customer Registration Form in addition to the Application Form.
Click to download Application Form for Public/Private Microwave Frequency Point-to-Point