NCA Finalises Draft Guidelines for the Publication of Tariff and Terms & Conditions (Business Rules) with Stakeholder Input

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NCA Finalises Draft Guidelines for the Publication of Tariff and Terms & Conditions (Business Rules) with Stakeholder Input

The National Communications Authority (NCA) has successfully concluded a two-day workshop with stakeholders to discuss the Draft Guidelines for the Publication and Notification of Tariffs and Terms & Conditions (Business Rules). The Workshop which started on Thursday, 9th May, 2024 and ended on Friday, 10th May, 2024 was held at the NCA Tower in Accra.

The workshop provided the NCA and the participating stakeholders the opportunity to review submitted comments and views on the draft guidelines, ensuring a transparent and inclusive process for finalisation.

Empowering Transparency in Pricing and Service Details

The Guidelines are designed to enforce Section 25 (5) of the Electronic Communications Act, 2008 (Act 775). This Act empowers the NCA to ensure that service providers publish the prices, terms and conditions for their public electronic communication services as specified by the Authority. These published details are to be recognised as the lawful prices, terms, and conditions for the services under the same Act and the conditions of the licence.

Creating a Structured Framework for Mobile Network Operators

These Guidelines establish a structured framework for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to disclose essential tariff information to their mobile service customers. This transparency will benefit all stakeholders. For consumers, it will empower them to make informed decisions about their mobile service plans based on specified prices, terms and conditions. Mobile Network Operators will also be provided with a structured framework for communicating their offerings.

Prof. Ezer Osei Yeboah-Boateng, Deputy Director-General for Technical Operations giving his remarks

Stakeholder Engagement for a Balanced Approach

As highlighted by the Deputy Director General in charge of Technical Operations, Prof. Ezer Osei Yeboah-Boateng, during the workshop’s opening, “Tariffs touch on all telecom subscribers and even the regulator, as it is a very important subject for all stakeholders.” He further indicated that the Authority seeks to establish a document with broad stakeholder consensus, ensuring it benefits operators, consumers, the state, and the regulator, he said. Prof. Yeboah-Boateng said it was the Authority’s intention to create a guideline that is forward-looking in nature and also addresses the concerns of all stakeholders within the telecommunications value chain.

Deputy Director for Regulatory Administration of the NCA, Mrs. Golda Adjei Sowah leading discussions

Collaborative Development Process

The workshop discussions on the draft regulations were led by Deputy Director for Regulatory Administration of the NCA, Mrs. Golda Adjei Sowah, with support from the NCA’s Regulatory Administration, Legal, and Consumer and Corporate Affairs Divisions. Industry representatives from Mobile Network Operators, Consumer Advocacy Groups, the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications, and tertiary students also actively participated in the discussions.

A cross-section of participants at the event