Quarterly Statistical Bulletin on Communications in Ghana – July- September 2016
Quarterly Statistical Bulletin on Communications in Ghana – July- September 2016
This Quarterly Statistical Bulletin on Communications is a reference document containing disaggregated data, industry trends, and analysis of the Ghanaian communications sector. It is intended to enhance an open and better-informed public discussions on policies and development in the communications sector in Ghana. It also provides critical statistical data for policy makers, telecom analyst, consumers, academia, investors and other stakeholders for their decision-making.
The bulletin is data-centric and combines succinct analysis of the data trends with substantial use of tables, graphs and figures for easy understanding. This bulletin is the product of the responses from the monthly and quarterly questionnaires sent to the various licensees; notably the mobile network operators, broadband wireless access operators, internet service providers and broadcasting entities.
The publication of this bulletin is consistent with the National Communications Authority’s mandate under section 26 (2)(a) of the 2008, Electronic Communications Act 775; “to publish the result of research that it carries out or that is carried out on its behalf on its website and in any other manner that it considers appropriate to bring the results to the attention of the public”.
Download this edition of the bulletin below.