NCA Formally Notifies Kasapa Telecom of Intention to Terminate Licence


NCA Formally Notifies Kasapa Telecom of Intention to Terminate Licence

Kasapa Telecom Limited has been formally notified by the National Communications Authority (NCA) of the intention to terminate Kasapa’s Mobile Cellular Licence following its inability to meet its regulatory and licence obligations. The Mobile Cellular Licence was granted to Kasapa on 2nd December, 2004 for a period of fifteen (15) years and scheduled to expire on 1st December, 2019.

According to the Authority, the grounds for this intended action include the following:

  1. Default of payment of annual regulatory fees since 2014,
  2. Inability to offer licensed services and coverage obligations since 2014,
  3. Engagement in anti-competitive practices by terminating/transiting international traffic as domestic traffic on other networks,
  4. Failure to settle fees for usage of microwave frequencies,
  5. Inability to meet financial obligations to other Operators in respect of Interconnection payments,
  6. Failure to meet financial obligations to Porting XS, the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Service Provider,
  7. And finally, a recent switch off of the network without due notice to the Regulator.

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NCA Formally Notifies Kasapa Telecom of Intention to Terminate Licence